

In our effort to enhance our school-to-home communication, we are exploring different options of communicating with our school community. Our goal is not to inundate with you messages, but rather to keep you informed with timely news and reminders. There will be overlap between all of the services, so we encourage you to sign up for the services that are most convenient for you. We are pleased to offer the following communication options.
ES School News
We use email and the ES website to share information on a regular basis. If there is something going on, it will be posted on the website; if it is time sensitive, we will send an email and also communicate through the other options listed in this section.
Knowing that many of our parents use social media to stay up to date, we are adding our information to this stream of data.  Twitter is service that allows a user to follow the short posts (140 characters) of other users.  To follow Indian Hill Elementary simply follow IHelementary.

More detailed information about Twitter can be found below.

YouTube Videos

Click here to watch on YouTube – Twitter in Plain English
How to Use Twitter: The Basics
In addition to running on a computer, Twitter also will run on most Smartphones.  There are different free Twitter apps that you can install on your phone.  Twitter has its own app and other popular alternatives that have additional features include HootSuite and Tweetdeck.

To get started with Twitter, simply go to  All that is needed to create an account is your name, email address, and a password that you set.  Once logged in, you will click on “Who to Follow” on the upper right.  Search for “IHelementary” and then click on the green follow button and whenever the ES posts any information you will see it on your Twitter homepage.