Indian Hill High School (IHHS) student-athletes took center stage at the Sue Harder Memorial Performing Arts Center for a celebration Friday, May 17 to commit to continue both academic and athletic careers beyond high school during a college signing ceremony. Participating students included seniors Zach Jones, Eli Riggs, and Jeffrey Wenker. The Athletic Department also recognized Jaylin Williams, Miles Taylor and Colton Smith, who were unable to participate in the formal ceremony.
“Only about seven percent of high school athletes advance to play a collegiate sport, so we are celebrating a truly elite group of students,” said Indian Hill Athletic Director Brian Phelps. “This is our third formal signing ceremony this school year, and every event provides a wonderful opportunity to not only celebrate these amazing student-athletes, but also to say thank you to their coaches and their supportive families who helped create the opportunity for this level of outstanding achievement. Congratulations to all!”
Zach Jones
Basketball, St. Francis University
“I am extremely thankful that I was able to compete and play under a tremendous support system over the past few years at Indian Hill. I look forward to pursuing my dreams at Saint Francis University, and I am grateful for all the opportunities that Indian Hill has provided me! Go Braves!”
Eli Riggs
Football, The Ohio State University
“I am very blessed to have this amazing opportunity; huge thank you to my parents and Indian Hill coaches for giving me everything I need to be where I am today. It is also a pleasure to graduate from Indian Hill, where we have some of the best education in the state and amazing people who make you feel at home.”
Jeffrey Wenker
Swimming, Northern Kentucky University
“I’m thankful for my family, friends, coaches, and God for helping me through all the ups and downs. I am very blessed to have this opportunity to be able to swim in college. I’m also thankful for my teachers for being flexible throughout the years at Indian Hill when I had to go to a swim meet and couldn’t be at class. Thank you, Indian Hill, for all that you did for me.”
Photo caption: Indian Hill High School celebrated student-athletes Friday, May 17 during a formal athletic signing ceremony.