In this section, you will find information on the different departments within the Indian Hill School District. Below is a brief description of what is included in each department.
Assessment outlines the types of testing used in the District to help evaluate students during the year. An Assessment Calendar is also provided.
Athletics links to our Athletics website, covering both high school and middle school athletic teams, plus a calendar of athletic events.
The Curriculum section provides an overview of curriculum for all major content areas, by grade level. In addition, you will find information on Career Advising and College Credit Plus in this section.
Finance includes contact information for the Treasurer's Office, as well as links to the District's financial reports.
The Health & Wellness section covers Indian Hill policies, including food allergy and food sale information; details on the Indian Hill Fitness Center, which is available to all residents of the Indian Hill School District; and other health & wellness resources for our families.
The Maintenance page is where you will find information about reserving an Indian Hill facility.
Pupil Services covers all special services provided to our students, including Early Childhood, ELL, Gifted, 504, and Special Needs.
Staff is a page that contains links and information specifically for Indian Hill Schools' staff members.
The Theatre link will take you to the Indian Hill High School Theatre website, where you can see the latest information on our school year performances. There is also a link to the Middle School Theatre on that site.
Transportation provides everything you need to know about the Indian Hill School District transportation system, including FAQs and bus safety.