Indian Hill High School graduates return to talk engineering

IHHS Alumni Engineering Panel

Recent Indian Hill graduates sat center stage inside the Indian Hill High School (IHHS) Auditorium Thursday, January 6, as part of a special alumni engineering panel. The new Indian Hill High School Society of Women in Engineering (SWE) Chapter teamed up with the Indian Hill Foundation to bring the Braves back to campus.

“It was very encouraging to see the students,” said Indian Hill High School Project Lead the Way teacher Myrtis Smith, who leads the nationally recognized IHHS engineering program in partnership with Great Oaks. “Often, we as educators worry if we're giving them the skills they need for the next level. Listening to the students talk reassured me that we are not only providing proper content, like engineering, computer science, physics and chemistry courses, but also some of those softer skills like communication, teamwork, and problem solving.” 

Set in a question and answer format, the graduates shared information about selecting their major, choosing their college, classes at Indian Hill that were most helpful, how they juggle academic and social life, co-op/intern opportunity, and college life in general. Around 25 current Braves were in the audience.

“I was excited to see the number of Indian Hill students who came to listen to the panel,” said Smith. “That represents opportunity for the robust science, technology, engineering, and technology (STEM) program at the high school, which includes engineering, physics, chemistry, Science Olympiad, the Technical Student Association and SWE. There are so many students here that these classes and clubs can serve.”
Photo caption: Indian Hill High School graduates who were part of the engineering alumni panel included (L to R): Charlie Lindberg, Ellie Rabenold, Alex Ericsson, Will Ericsson, Zoe Cowman, Violet Robertson, and Khushi Rawat (not shown) 

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