Parents, Students and Community Members,
Indian Hill Middle School is committed to providing a positive experience, in which every student has a sense of success - personally, socially, and academically. Our goal is to create a safe academic environment where students thrive, enjoy coming to school each day, and are best prepared for their high school years and beyond. Working together with incredible teachers and staff, our school vision is built upon our Pillars of Pride, Leadership and Excellence as our daily core values.
Indian Hill Middle School is home to sixth, seventh and eighth graders. With an average class size of 20 students, teachers establish a sense of classroom culture that embraces different learning styles.
As we focus on fostering the “whole child,” we provide a multitude of experiences in academics, the arts and athletics. In addition, we model and embed mindfulness practices to begin our school day.
We support and guide our students to become independent, forward thinkers, provide opportunities for student voice and leadership, and incorporate service learning experiences within and outside of the Indian Hill community.
As a “Bring Your Own Technology - BYO” school, technology is integrated in all content areas to increase student engagement, increase rigor of content, and provide opportunities for innovation, while we teach and reinforce the importance of being a responsible “digital citizen.”
We look forward to a strong partnership with you in the coming months. Open lines of communication between home and school are critical to the success of your student.
Please do not hesitate to call or email either of us any time.

Ms. Lauren Gentene

Mr. Drew Renner
Assistant Principal
(513) 272-4642