Indian HIll High School offers a rigorous curriculum to meet the needs of all students, whatever their plans for the future. School counselors work with students in the area of academic planning to support and maximize each student’s ability to learn. This may look differently for each student as counselors work with them to reach student goals.
By creating a
four-year plan with students, school counselors help ensure students meet requirements for graduation and for postsecondary planning. Students can meet with counselors to adapt their four-year plan at any time.
Academic support is available for students who are struggling in classes.
During the second semester, school counselors meet with students in grades 8-11 to help select classes for the following school year.
Visit the
Scheduling Information page and the
IHHS Course Catalog for more information. Indian Hill High School offers a variety of courses in the subjects of English, mathematics, science, social studies, and world languages, as well as electives and intervention classes.
Scheduling Information Night for students and parents is offered in January.
Graduation Requirements
Students must meet both local and state requirements to be eligible for graduation. For guidance on state requirements, visit
Ohio’s Graduation Requirements.
4.5 credits of English (.5 credit Speech)
4 credits of Math through Algebra II
4 credits of Social Studies including US History & Gov’t
3 credits of Science
2 credits of World Language in high school (starting with Class of 2024)
2 credits of Fine and/or Practical Art
.5 credit of Health
1.5 credits of Electives (credits that extend beyond aforementioned requirements)
22 credits total
End-of-Course-State Tests: Students must earn 18 points minimum across seven end-of-course state tests. Visit
Ohio’s Graduation Requirements for more information.
Ohio Honors Diploma
Each year, many IHHS grads earn an Ohio Honors Diploma. To earn an Honors Diploma, all but one of the criteria must be met. You can learn more about the different
Honors Diplomas and the required criteria on the Ohio Department of Education website.
Great Oaks Career Campuses
Great Oaks specializes in career and technical education for high school students, preparing students for both a career and college. Over 30 career programs are available for high school students to participate in during their junior and senior years.
A representative from Great Oaks visits English classes during the second quarter of a student’s sophomore year. Sophomores have the opportunity to take a field trip to campus to learn more about available career programs. Applications for the following school year are available starting in January.
College Credit Plus
College Credit Plus (CCP) is Ohio’s dual enrollment program that provides students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from Ohio colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to enhance students’ career readiness and postsecondary success, while providing a wide variety of options to college-ready students, at no or limited costs to students and families. Students can take classes in the summer, fall, or spring semesters.
A student’s readiness to participate in CCP can be impacted by a variety of factors. Reach out to your student’s school counselor to discuss whether this is the right option for your student.
All students must declare their intent to participate by
April 1. Informational sessions will be available to families. Visit the Ohio Department of Education
College Credit Plus website for more information.
Credit Flexibility
Credit flexibility is an education option that provides students a way to be in charge of their learning. The key to this option is that the student drives the request to learn differently as well as the plan to earn the credit. For more information and the credit flexibility application, please see your student’s school counselor.