April 2019 Update
During the spring of 2019, the District formed a Steering Committee of the Facilities Assessment Task Force. This committee will guide the recommendations for capital improvements based on regular meetings through June 4, 2019, and members will collaborate with a Finance Committee to identify funding options (June/August). The goal is to present District capital improvement scenarios to the Board of Education in the fall of 2019 for consideration. Board of Education Operations Committee Member Dr. Eddie Hooker took time to meet with Steering Committee members during April to share the desired outcome of the work.
March 2019 Update
The District continues to work on operational and facilities needs, and is in the process of forming a Finance Committee and establishing a Facilities Steering Committee to continue the work that was started by our Facilities Assessment Task Force. As those two committees begin to meet this spring, the District will continue to provide updates.
See the Latest Coverage about the Indian Hill Facilities Assessment Task Force Here:
Facilities Assessment Task Force Building Teams Present Findings
November 14, 2018
Click here to view the story.
Click here to access the full presentation.