Student & Parent Responsibilities
Safety for all our students on our buses is our primary concern. Therefore, we must enforce bus rules written and developed by the Ohio Department of Education and adopted as policy by the Indian Hill Board of Education. Student cooperation is vital to help us achieve our goal of providing safe transportation.
While riding the school bus students must:
- Be at the bus stop and at the assigned "Place of Safety" before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
- When getting off of the bus students should go to their "Place of Safety" and wait there until the bus leaves.
- Be orderly at the bus stop, not bothering others, and stay clear of all traffic.
- All students (crossers & non-crossers) should wait for the bus driver’s hand signal before approaching the bus. Crossers should be at least 10 feet in front of the bus when crossing the street.
- Listen to and follow all directions of the bus driver promptly and respectfully.
- If the driver blows the horn, this means danger. Recheck traffic on your own. If you see nothing look back to the driver for further instructions.
- Get on the bus immediately, quietly, without bothering others, and go directly to your assigned seat.
- Remain properly seated with feet on the floor, keeping aisles and exits clear.
- Talk quietly to friends. Loud talk or boisterous conduct are not permitted.
- Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop and the driver sets the brake.
- Maintain silence at railroad crossings and other places specified by the driver.
Students must never:
- Never abuse others or the life or property of any individual while at a bus stop or while on the bus.
- Never approach the bus until the driver has dropped their hand.
- Don't fight, shove, or have unnecessary body contact with other students.
- Don't use profane language.
- Never put your head, arms, or legs out of the windows.
- Never throw or pass objects on, from, or into the bus.
- Don't yell, scream, or cause any sudden noises that could distract the driver.
- Don't eat or drink on the bus except as required for medical reasons.
- Never possess or use alcohol, drugs, or any type of tobacco. Except for prescription medication required for a student.
- Don't bring unnecessary, unsafe, or forbidden cargo on the bus, such as dangerous weapons or objects, and animals. Other arrangements should be made for large items.
Parent Responsibilities
Have your child ready 5 minutes before the bus is due to arrive and at the student's designated place of safety. We recommend parental supervision at the bus stop, especially for younger children. Be sure that your child is ready to board the bus and prepared for the school day:
- with proper clothing for weather conditions and the school dress code.
- with materials and supplies to be carried in a backpack.
- Parents can help us protect their child by:
- Removing or shortening drawstrings from clothing items.
- Cut off the extra length on backpack straps and refrain from attaching items such as key chains to the backpack.
- Avoid the use of long scarves or other loose clothing. Such clothing can be caught in the bus handrail, door, or other equipment as the student gets on or off the bus.
- If your student misses the bus do not try to catch up to it. The proper procedure is to contact the transportation dept. 513.272.4531 and we will radio the driver and will work out a plan with you for getting your student to school.
- Drivers are unable to wait at any residence and are prohibited from leaving the bus.
- Once a student boards the bus, he or she will not be permitted to disembark unless a parent or school official asks for his or her release. A parent may be required to show identification and sign a release form.
- Pupils must board or disembark the bus only at locations to which they have been assigned unless they have parental and administrative authorization to do otherwise.
- Students are permitted to carry on board all safe lap materials as required for their academic studies. Other parcels must be approved by the Transportation Director. Please remember that we transport students, not cargo. Unnecessary or unsafe cargo can be a safety hazard to your child and others.
School Bus Procedures
Please review the School Bus Procedures document.
- Make sure your student is at their place of safety before the bus arrives.
- Your child’s place of safety is designated by the bus driver & is sometimes a piece of tape or a landmark. Ask your child where their place of safety is.
- As the bus arrives the driver is counting the students to make sure the same number gets onto the bus.
- When the driver opens the door, the driver will have their hand up in the air in a “stop” position. After the driver checks the traffic and it is clear the driver will drop their hand and the student may approach the bus.
- If they are crossers they will go to the edge of the road and check traffic before crossing the street at least 10’ in front of the bus.
- Before students get off the bus they need to go to the bottom step and look both ways, not only for cars but bicycles and pedestrians.
- Non-crossers should go directly to their place of safety, stop, turn around and remain there until the bus leaves.
- Crossers need to walk 10 steps along the side of the roadway to the front of the bus and wait there for the driver’s hand signal.
- When the driver drops their hand the student walks to the traffic edge of the bus, stops, and checks traffic before crossing.
- If it is safe, they will go directly to the place of safety, stop, turn around, and remain there until the bus leaves.
- If the driver blows the horn, that means danger, the student needs to re-check traffic on their own, if they see nothing look back to the driver for further instructions.
- Video showing Safe Crossing Procedures
Progressive Discipline Plan for Students
Safety for all students on our buses is our primary concern. Therefore, we must enforce bus rules written and developed by the Ohio Department of Education and adopted as policy by the Indian Hill Board of Education. Student cooperation is vital to help us achieve our goal of providing safe transportation. Every effort is made by the driver to correct behavior. This may include moving the student to a new assigned seat - either to the front of the bus so behavior can be monitored more closely by the driver or a change in seat partners. The driver records incidents and instructions given in a journal for trying different strategies to facilitate safe pupil behavior. Unacceptable behavior and their consequence follow:
- Failure to follow directions or disrespect to the driver
- Out of seat
- Eating/drinking/chewing gum
- Throwing objects on, from, or into the bus
- Tripping, shoving, or unnecessary body contact
- Hitting, striking (horseplay)
- Arm, hand, head out of the window
- Loud talk, boisterous conduct
- Profane, inappropriate language
- Improper crossing
- 1st offense: call to parent - school principal notified
- 2nd offense: discipline report - letter to parents - school principal notified
- 3rd offense: 1 day suspension or Saturday study for (MS/HS only) - letter to parents - school principal notified
- 4th offense: 3 day suspension - letter to parents - school principal notified
- 5th offense: 5 day suspension - letter to parents - school principal notified
- 6th offense: 10 day suspension - letter to parents - school principal notified
- Drugs, alcohol, tobacco - possession and/or use of
- Ignitable material - possession and/or use of
- Weapons - possession and/or use of
- Fighting, Striking - (delivering a blow causing pain/discomfort to another or delivered with anger)
- Destruction of school property
Automatic suspension - discipline report - contact building principal as needed to concur on intended disciplinary action - letter to parents advising suspension.
This list is not all-inclusive - instances of unacceptable behavior will be dealt with on an individual basis. Suspensions will be based on the severity of the unacceptable behavior and the current discipline record of the student. Please review the
Progressive Discipline Plan for Students document for additional information.
Tips For Motorists
- Slow down
- Be especially careful when driving on and around school zones
- Be on the watch for young children walking to and from school when you are backing out of your driveway
- Always expect the unexpected.
- Stop your vehicle when you see lights flashing on a school bus.
- Red flashing lights indicate that a bus is stopped for the purpose of loading or unloading children.
- Don’t start driving until the lights have gone off and the bus is moving.
- Keep a distance of at least 10' from the bus whether you are behind the bus or approaching the bus.