For Everyone:
Change to route designations for the 24-25 school year
Alternative Stops
How we route students from year to year
Stopfinder information and bus route schedules
Construction information
For Middle School and High School Students: MS/HS
Middle / High School Student Info.
For Primary School and Elementary School Students: PS/ES
Primary and Elementary Bus Dismissal the first 2 weeks of school
Primary Elementary Pick-up-Patrol info.
Kindergarten information
Non-IH Routes:
All Saints, Cincinnati Country Day, St. Gertrude Changes
For Everyone:
Change to route designations for the 24-25 school year
Bus numbers will no longer be used to identify the bus route that your student is assigned to. We will now be using route letters. This will help everyone avoid the inevitable confusion that comes with buses or drivers being substituted. The new route designations can be found on the side of the bus just to the left of the door. Students, parents, and teachers can easily identify the route the student is getting on. Routes will be a letter of the alphabet with a name associated with it to help everyone remember their route letter. Here is a picture of the new bus signs.
Route A - Alaska
Kindergarten buses will have an animal associated with their 1:45 take home bus only. Any kindergarten student riding in the am or riding home on the 3:45 bus after KGS will be assigned a route letter. Here is an example of kindergarten route FROG - please remember that the student riding home at 1:45 on this kindergarten route FROG is not likely route A in the AM or on the 3:45 after KGS.
Please help your children learn their route name/letter for the 24-25 school year.
Alternative Stops
Short-term (going home with a friend, etc.) and Long-term (daycare, shared parenting, etc.) alternative forms will be available for submission for transportation beginning in Sept. If your student needs a long-term alternative stop at the beginning of the school year you will need to contact the transportation dept.at 513.272.4530. Short-term alternative stops will not be accepted until September. If you have an emergency you will need to contact the transportation dept. at 513.272.4530.
How we route students from year to year
If you did not receive or missed the deadline for the BUS RIDER INTENT FORM that was sent out in May of the last school year your student will be routed based on their information from last year. If your student only rode the bus in the PM last year and you need them to ride in the AM and PM this year then you will need to contact the transportation dept. at 513.272.4530 or the bus will not stop at their house in the AM.
Stopfinder information and bus route schedules
Stopfinder will be active by August 9th. For schedules to be accurate we must wait until drivers have their routes and the majority of students are routed before we make them available. If you need schedule information prior to Aug. 9th please call the transportation dept. Bus stop times do change throughout the year that is why you have the Stopfinder app. As soon as we make a change to a route that information will update in your app. It is not likely that the time the bus is scheduled to arrive at the beginning of the school year will be the same time at the end of the school year. Learn more about the Stopfinder app and its features
If you have ever signed into Stopfinder then you have an account and there is no need for a new invitation. Sometimes at the beginning of the new school year and the change in our data source you may need to delete the app and reinstall. If you have forgotten your password you can reset it from the app sign-in page. Remember you must scroll to the day the student is in school to see their schedule. Days we are not in school will not show a schedule. If you have an account but a student's schedule is not showing contact the transportation dept. and we will add them to your account. 513.272.4530.
Stopfinder accounts are always associated with the primary account information set up in Final Forms. This is the email that you will receive Stopfinder invites. You will also receive emails from the transportation dept. to this primary contact email.
Construction Information
For the intersection of Miami & E Galbraith/Kugler Mill Round-about
We currently have two routes that will be affected by this road closure. We are told that it will be closed until Oct. 8th. We seek information weekly on this construction project but will need to begin the school year with the Road Closed routes. Routes are complete and we have designed the routes based on the information we currently have. The two routes that will be affected by this construction are Routes M - Maine (E Galbraith stops between Miami and Lancewood and Miami stops between E Galbraith/Kugler Mill and Keller) and V - Vermont (Kugler Mill stops between Deer Path and Miami and Miami stops between E Galbraith/Kugler Mill and Keller).
These buses will not be able to go directly to all of their stops on the above mentioned roads.
Route V students that live between Deer Path and Miami will need to come down to Deer Path. In the morning the bus will pick-up students at the end of Deer Path, after picking up students the bus will turn around. All other students on Kugler Mill between Blome and Deer Path will be picked up as normal.
Route M will come in from Montgomery Rd and will turn around at St. Paul's parking lot. If the bus cannot get to St. Paul's the bus will turn around at Asbury Ln. Students at Asbury Ln and Kugler Pines will be picked up at their normal stops. The bus will stop for Kugler Pines just before it gets to the stop light. She will then turn left onto Lancewood.
We understand that things will change. There are days when the road may be open but until we know that this will be consistent we will need to keep the route on the scheduled path so please have your students at the designated road closure stop until we are certain that the buses can get through this intersection consistently. Changing routes back and forth daily is not possible. When we make a change to the routes we will contact you via Stopfinder Messaging.
For Middle School and High School Students: MS/HS
Middle / High School Student Info.
Below you will see a diagram of the parking spots at the MS/HS. These spots are numbered and your children will need to know where the parking spot number is for their route. Also below is a list of the routes and their assigned parking spot number (we will not post the route parking assignment list until the day before school starts). Sometimes the buses will need to be moved to a different parking spot, we try to limit these changes but if it is necessary you will always find the updated version here. If your student gets out to their normal parking spot and it is not their route they can ask that driver where their route bus is parked or they can look on this website for the updated information.
For Primary School and Elementary School Students: PS/ES
Primary and Elementary Bus Dismissal the first 2 weeks of school
The buses start picking up the students at the Primary school at approximately 3:30 and then they go to the Elementary school to load around 3:40. The normal pull-out time from the Elementary school is 3:45. During the first couple of weeks of school the teachers and drivers work very hard to make sure everyone is on the correct bus. This takes extra time as the students learn the buses that they will get on each day. This means that instead of pulling out at 3:45 it may be 15 to 20 min. later. If your student's drop-off is showing as 4pm this means that in the first couple of weeks they may not be home until 4:15-4:20. If your student has an alternative stop (they go to daycare, shared parenting, etc.) please make sure your Pick-up-Patrol information is accurate and up-to-date. Find more info. below on Pick-up-Patrol.
Primary Elementary Pick-up-Patrol info.
The new route designations necessitate a change in Pick-up-Patrol. Instead of selecting the bus # in the app when you are making daily changes you will now need to put in the route letter that your student will be going home on. Remember it is very important to put in a default plan with accurate information. If there is going to be a temporary change to the default plan you will need to submit a daily change for your student's PM dismissal. For more information and examples of how to fill out your default plan here is a link to our
Pick-up-Patrol How To page.
K-2 Primary School ID Tags
This year K-2 students will be supplied with ID Tags to be placed on their backpack. Their name, primary address, and assigned bus route will be on the tag. This will help teachers, helpers, and drivers know that students are on their correct bus. We hope to have them to their teacher when they come in for their teacher meetings on the 14th and 15th.
If you bring their backpack this day we would like to attach it for the start of school on the 16th.
For at least the first few weeks of school we would like the students to have this ID on their backpack every day. If you no longer want this ID page on their backpack please let the Transportation Dept. know and we will take the badge off for future use.
Video link for how to attach the badge to a backpack. *Tip: the badge will need to be bent in half to fit through the worm loop.
Kindergarten information
If you have a kindergarten student there will need to be a parent at the stop to get the student off the bus. If you are at a group stop please make sure you can be seen receiving your student by the bus driver. For the 1:45 kindergarten only routes the bus arrival times can vary. These routes are smaller more spread out and if some students are not on it can affect the time the bus arrives at your stop. The first couple of weeks are an exception because drivers and their helpers are working with students at each stop to make sure they are safe around the bus and understand the safety procedures. Here is a link to the pick-up and drop-off
Bus Safety Procedures.pdf and our
Bus Safety Page.
Non-IH Routes
All Saints, Cincinnati Country Day, St. Gertrude
ALL, CCDS, and STG students will be picked up on Indian Hill routes in the mornings. Students will come in on the IH routes and transfer to a bus that will take them to their designated school. Route A - Alaska will take St. Gertrude students, route E-El Paso will take CCD students, and Route T-Texas will take All Saints.
PM routes will be as they were last year with one exception. Many of you may know that Ms Bev retired at the end of 23-24 just today August 5th during our route picking for drivers Ms Kelly has taken over this route. Ms Kelly has been driving a bus for 25 years, 20 years here at Indian Hill.
We have two buses that will pick up at students in the PM, All Saints (Route Name: AG2) and St. Gertrude (Route Name: AG1). These buses will meet and transfer students from these two schools to take them home to the area that bus will cover.
CCD students will be picked up by Route D - Denver. There will be only one IH bus coming into CCD and as you read above students can confirm Route D on the side of the bus by the door as they get on. Please make sure your students are at the school or driver assigned designated area for IH pick-up. Route D will arrive by 3:25 and will leave promptly at 3:30. All students should be congregated in the same area and ready for the bus to arrive - we don't want to leave anyone behind.
Route D will bring your student/s to the IH Elementary School and they will transfer to their IH take-home bus. All drivers are given the names and information of their potential riders and the driver will help them get to their designated bus.
Below is a Parking Spot # map for the Elementary School and a list of the routes and their assigned parking spot number (we will not post the route parking assignment list until August 13th). Please go over this with your students and teach them the information about the route signs on the side of the bus (referenced above). Any driver or teacher can & will help them find their route bus, they will just need to ask. We will have extra people at the school to help them get to their correct bus.
This route information should be reflected in your Stopfinder app.
We hope this information is helpful to you and we will keep the most updated information on the website throughout the school year. If there is any other information you would like to see on this information page please email me your suggestions at
[email protected]. Don't forget to check out all of the detailed information pages already on the website.
Thank you!