Alternative Transportation

CHANGES to your student's normal transportation plan completed here

Procedures for Alternative Transportation Requests - Please Read Carefully



Ohio Administrative Code 3301-83 (5) states that "Each pupil shall be assigned and required to use a specific school bus stop except in unusual circumstances as approved by the school bus owner or designee;" With the safety of our children in mind and the time required to make sure children are getting on the correct bus the new procedures for short and long term request are detailed below. All short-term requests should be submitted by 11 am the day before the request will start. All long-term requests should be submitted by 11:00 am two days before the request will start. In case of an emergency please call the Transportation Office at 513.272.4530. 

  • Drivers cannot accept a student not assigned to their bus without permission from the Transportation Dept. office. Putting a change into Pick-up-patrol, sending a Stopfinder message, or email without filling out a form is not sufficient and will likely not be processed in time to complete the request. After we check the requests at 11 am we will not be checking again until the next day which is too late for us to go through the process for a same-day request. 
  • Contact Transportation via the Short-Term Request Form. A form only needs to be filled out for the student who is getting off at a stop other than their assigned stop. 
    • You will need your student's school ID # for the request. This can be found in your Final Forms account. 
  • Please read Alternative Transportation Guidelines
    • A signed Alternative Transportation Waiver must be completed in Final Forms. If this form is not signed we are unable to accommodate the request. If you wish to sign the waiver in Final Forms click here.
  • For Primary & Elementary Pick-up Patrol app users please understand the information below on how short-term alternative transportation requests and the Pick-up Patrol app need to work together. Please feel free to call us at that Transportation Dept. if you need more information - 513.272.4531
  • Because of the full buses this year we cannot accommodate groups of students for sports or parties getting on a single bus that they are not normally assigned to, please consider picking the group up from school in the car line. 

PRIMARY & ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS - A form only needs to be filled out for the student who is getting off at a stop other than their assigned stop. 
  • Short-Term Requests Steps: The request window closes at 11:00 am for next-day requests. For Monday requests submit them by 11 am on Friday
  • Fill out a Short-Term Request Form. 
    • The Transportation Department will:
      • Review the request to approve or deny.
      • Confirm waiver signature. 
      • Confirm the bus number that the student will need to get on. 
      • Inform the driver of the change request. 
      • We will send you a confirmation via Stopfinder messenger or an email if you don't have the Stopfinder app by 6 pm the day you submit the request. This confirmation will include a 4-digit number that needs to be put into the Pick-up Patrol changes with the details of the changes to your student's schedule. This code will need to be included in all of your Pick-up Patrol changes. If your short-term request is for more than 1 day you will need to put the code in on those days also. The code alerts the school that the request has been approved. If you don't put the code into P.U.P. it adds a lot of last-minute work for both the School and Transportation office.
    • Pick-up Patrol - Once you receive the approval and confirmation number you would then put the information into the P.U.P. App - This informs the school & teachers of what bus the student gets onto for that day.
  • Long-Term Requests: The request window closes at 11:00 am two days before the request. 
    • If you have a new request or a change to an active Long Term Request please use the Long Term Request Form
    • The steps for Long-Term Requests will be the same as Short-Term Requests, except the code will include LT and two digits and will need to be included every time you update Pick-up Patrol. 
*The online form is provided for your convenience but we must be able to confirm the details. The contact information given in this form (email & phone #) must match the contact information in Final Forms. Please make sure that your Final Forms are up-to-date. You will also be required to know and submit your student's school ID number on the Online Form.
For additional assistance contact the Transportation Department (513) 272-4531, the Primary School (513) 272-4754, or the Elementary School (513) 272-4703.

MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOLS - A form only needs to be filled out for the student who is getting off at a stop other than their assigned stop.
Short-Term Requests Steps: The request window closes at 11:00 am for next-day requests. For Monday requests submit by 11 am on Friday 
  • Fill out a Short-Term Request Form. 
  • The Transportation Department will: 
    • Review the request to approve or deny. 
    • Confirm waiver signature. 
    • Confirm the bus number that the student will need to get on. 
    • Inform the driver of the change request. 
    • We will send you a confirmation email or notification on your Stopfinder app. or email if you don't have the app. 
Long-Term Requests: The request window closes at 11:00 am two days before the request. 
  • If you have a new request or a change to an active Long Term Request please use the Google Form.
  • We will send you a confirmation email or notification on your Stopfinder app. or email if you don't have the app. 

*The online form is provided for your convenience but we must be able to confirm the details. The contact information given in this form (email & phone #) must match the contact information in Final Forms. Please make sure that your Final Forms are up-to-date. You will also be required to know and submit your student's school ID number on the Online Form.

For additional assistance contact the Transportation Department (513) 272-4531,  the Middle School (513) 272-4642, or High School (513) 272-4550.