Non-Public Transportation Request and Information

Non-Public Transportation Request

Please note that Payment in Lieu of Transportation cannot be requested for a previous school year if a Transportation Request was 
not submitted for that school year.
We are now only accepting requests for the 24-25 school year.

Do you need transportation to a non-public, community, or chartered school?

We currently transport to All Saints, Cincinnati Country Day, and St. Gertrude
To request transportation to one of the above schools please fill out the form below. 

Do you need transportation to another school or are you interested in Payment in-lieu-of Transportation? 
We are now accepting Transportation Requests for 24-25 school year, please fill out the Google Form below.

Please read the following information. 

Transportation Eligibility Assessment 
For Chartered Nonpublic & Community Schools
The following information comes from the Ohio Department of Education Chartered Nonpublic and Community Schools HandbookIf you wish to better understand this process, please follow the link above.
Pupils enrolled in chartered nonpublic or community schools may be entitled to pupil transportation services from Indian Hill Exempted Village School District. 
STEP 1 - Contact the Indian Hill EVSD Transportation Department by filling out the Google Form above.
STEP 2 - Upon receipt of student information from parent/guardian, staff at Indian Hill EVSD will follow the State of Ohio procedures to determine whether the child is eligible for transportation. These guidelines can be found in the Handbook from ODE referenced above.

STEP 3 - If it is determined that the chosen school and student meet eligibility requirements we will contact you with the student's route information. In some cases, it is determined that a student may be impractical to transport. Please see below for more information. 
Deeming A Student Impractical to Transport 
Sometimes it may be determined that transportation of a student to the chosen school is impractical. Ohio law allows for public schools to determine the impracticality of transportation after the consideration of the following factors: 
a. the time and distance required to provide such transportation;
b. the number of pupils to be transported;
c. the cost of providing transportation in terms of equipment, maintenance, personnel, and administration;
d. whether similar or equivalent service is provided to other pupils eligible for transportation;
e. whether and to what extent the additional service unavoidably disrupts current transportation schedules; and/or
f. whether other reimbursable types of transportation are available.
If you are contacted and told that transportation would be impractical due to one of the above factors we will begin the official process of petitioning the Indian Hill Board of Education to deem the transportation of the student as impractical. Please see below for the next steps in the process.

Payment in Lieu of Transportation
Only after the above procedures of eligibility and impracticality are met will payment in lieu of transportation be considered.
The following steps will be taken to determine payment in lieu of transportation:
STEP 1 -  The Indian Hill Board of Education will be presented with a resolution declaring the transportation of named student to named school as impractical. 
If the Board of Education finds the above impractical;
STEP 2 - The Board of Education will then provide the parent/guardian with notification of the resolution and ask the parent to accept or reject the determination.
STEP 3 - The parent/guardian must acknowledge and return the waiver form to confirm their acceptance or rejection  within two weeks of the board's resolution.
If the waiver is accepted and returned by the deadline:  
            Indian Hill Transportation Department will verify attendance for the school identified, at the end of the school year. If during the verification process, it is determined that the student did not attend the entire school year, the check may be prorated. The board will receive the invoice for payment in-lieu-of transportation at a regularly scheduled June board meeting. As long as your student remains in the school stated and verification can be made by the transportation department, no further action is required on the parent/guardian's part. If your student changes to a different nonpublic school and you still live in the district you will need to start the process again by requesting transportation to the new school.
If the waiver is rejected and returned by the deadline:
            You will need to request the Ohio Department of Education to initiate mediation procedures. Please note on page ten Frequently Asked Questions and Answers #6 in the aforementioned handbook. "What happens after a Chapter 119 hearing occurs and a new parent requests mediation? Does the initial decision stand or is a new mediation hearing necessary? The State board's order is binding as to future parties of interest if the facts in the case remain comparable." 
            If we do not receive an acceptance to waive transportation in lieu of payment by the deadline, you will not be considered for payment in lieu of transportation. 
If you have any questions, please call Diane Spurlock, Transportation Director 513.272.4532.